When the initial word of Benedict Cumberbatch's involvement in J.J Abrams' new Star Wars flick hit it was almost immediately dismissed as fan casting, before being denied by the actor's reps. But the rumor refused to go away, with the latest report from Latino review claiming that Cumberbtach is definitely, 100% in the movie (and the next two films in the new trilogy), no matter what he or anyone else involved may say to the contrary. Well now we have a quote on it from Abrams himself, who was quizzed about the rumor by LA Times reporter Yvonne Villarreal Who tweeted :

"JJ Abrams on #StarWars: "We're working our asses off trying to get things in place w/ casting." Benedict Cumberbatch? "I love that guy."
Hardly confirmation, but far from a dismissal at the same time. Of course Abrams' secrecy and fondness for deception also has to be taken into account, and he may just be keeping the rumor mill spinning. What do you guys think?
(Source: Comic Book Movie)